What is Sim&Size™
Sim&Size™ system represents a transformation from the simple visualization of a device to the construction of an expanded treatment strategy.
Thanks to a 3D anatomical model, physicians can test their preoperative strategies. This patient specific reconstruction method helps to select the first choice of treatment during surgery. Therefore, an optimal sizing fitting the patient’s anatomy improves the quality of the treatment.
Our 3D computational software enables a precise anticipation of the neurovascular surgery strategy adjusting to each patient’s needs

You do not need to send images to the cloud or wait a long time for the simulation results. You just need to import an array of 3D images from the patient into Sim&Size™.

Everything happens in real-time locally on your computer. You can visualize different devices, change their position or try different sizes in the blink of an eye!

You can see the deformation of the device. Also, information about its apposition or its porosity to help you choose the best device with the best size for patient.
Proven clinical impact
The Sim&Size™ software helps physicians by being efficient, safe and reproducible.
Sim&Size™ is accurate and reliable, helping physicians undertake specific strategies as per the patient’s specifications
Increased Safety
Better Clinical & Economical Outcomes
Reduce X-Ray Doses
Improved Therapeutic Planning
Time Saving
Global Process

Real Time
Real time computations that allow you to adapt the position and the size of the chosen device

User Friendly
User friendly interface that provides therapeutic planning a few clicks , taking less than 5 mins in total.

Reliable 3D artery reconstruction every time. Works with images from all imaging companies.

Try Our Modules
Use a numerical modeling tool for flow diverter devices to observe their mechanical behavior based on their specifications
Choose the most suitable intrasaccular device thanks to the digital modeling of their behavior depending on the aneurysm's characteristics.
Choose the most suitable laser-stent device thanks to the digital modeling of their behavior depending on the aneurysm's characteristics.
Define the best first coil, based on the aneurysm characteristics as well as coils properties and design.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Sim & Size software is a Class II medical device and carries the CE mark in conformity with Directive 93/42 / EEC.
Sim & Size enables visualization of cerebral blood vessels for preoperational planning and sizing for neurovascular interventions and surgery.
It uses an actual image of the patient produced by 3D rotational angiography.
It allows for the ability to computationally model the placement and apposition of NeuroInterventional devices
Related questions :
- How can I perform a simulation?
Sim & Size uses 3D rotational angiography images of a patient to produce mechanical IMD simulations. Sim & Size is simplified as much as possible to let the user work intuitively and as quickly as possible to achieve the desired result. It works through six simple steps.
This software is installed on your laptop and the simulation is performed locally to obtain immediate result.
Related questions :
- Which devices can I simulate?
- How can I obtain the software?
Sim & Size contains four modules enabling the simulation for four types of IMD:
o FDsize module: Flow Diverter Stent
o IDsize module: Intrasaccular Device
o STsize module: Laser cut Stent
o FCsize module: First Coil
According to current knowledge, choosing the size is a crucial step in ensuring safe, effective treatment. Certain conditions must be put in order to make the best choice.
Related question:
- How can I obtain the software?
Sim & Size must be used by health professionals or commercial representatives of the manufacturers of these implantable medical devices. These users must be trained in medical procedures involving percutaneous and intravascular interventions in a hospital environment with radioscopic guidance.
Users must receive training from Sim & Cure before using the Sim & Size MD in routine clinical use.
Related questions :
- How can I access the training?
- How can I contact you?
Sim & Size is dedicated for a use in a hospital environment during intravascular interventions with radioscopic guidance.
Market authorization can differ depending on your location, please contact us for more information.
(Suggestion: add a map with little flags or pins on the countries where we already supported cases)
Related questions :
- How can I contact you?
Sim & Cure offer to access an online training dedicated to the different modules on a dedicated platform: Sim & Get. Once you are certified you can contact us to plan the installation of the software on your computer. Our Application Engineers team is always available to answer your questions.
Here is the link to our training platform: http://simandget.sim-and-cure.com
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have additional questions!
Related questions :
- How can I contact you?
The training platform will enable you to access different courses on the fundamentals for the use of Sim & Size and on the special characteristics of each module. For each course, you’ll have to pass a short test. After the final one, our application engineers team will analyze your answers and contact you for the installation of the software.
Here is the link to our training platform: http://simandget.sim-and-cure.com
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have additional questions!
Related questions :
- How can I contact you?
Our application engineers team is always available to answer your question and assist you to perform simulations. Multilingual and mobile, they can easily join you for any intervention to support you or solve your problem.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have additional questions!
Related questions :
- How can I contact you?
Our user can access the Resources page. This part of our website is dedicated to a more technical assistance.
Please contact us to be able to access this section.
(You can also visit our social media pages ??)
Related questions :
- How can I contact you?
Email: tickets@sim-and-cure.com
Phone: +33 (0) 09 53 43 88 09