For a faster and safer selection of

 The device

Enhance intrasaccular device sizing and positioning in the clinical routine

How IDsize Works

Select the most suitable intrasaccular device based on the optimal apposition and position. This module gives you the possibility to analyze different deployment options reducing oversizing and extra-handling

An example of a computational modeling done by IDsize module.

IDsize displays a color code showing the apposition of the intra-saccular device placed in the aneurysm. The green color indicates that the device is affixed to the aneurysm wall while the red color means that the device is not.

Proven Clinical Impact

IDsize is safe, fast and accurate

Clinical study conducted

Patients *
0 x Safer
Extra handeling divided by 3
0 % Faster
Shorter intervention time
0 % Lower
X-Ray exposure
0 % Higher
Size accuracy - Reduction of devices used **

Why IDsize?

IDsize module of Sim&Size is an amazing module that helps the user with optimal selection of intrasaccular device sizing. See all its features below


Reduce risk of extra maneuvers during surgery. Reduce the X-ray exposure for both patient and physician.


Regardless of clinical experience, different treatment strategies can be modeled with stable accuracy and reproducibility.


Reduces the number of devices per treatment implant / patient.


Faster and safer selection of the device. Helps to select a suitable device and ease its positioning.


Avoid under and over sizing and their consequences

Steps Involved

7 Steps to IDsize computational modeling

Less than 5 minutes to achieve IDsize computational modeling

Find out the complete workflow for IDsize


Comparison of Woven EndoBridge device sizing with conventional measurements and virtual simulation using the Sim&Size software: a multicenter experience. Cagnazzo F, G, Ferreira I,et al. J Neurolntervent Surg Ei::!ub ahead of print: (23 December 2020).doi:10.1136/ neurintsurg-2020-017060

* Methods: Multi-centric retrospective cohort study, 186 patients, 109 (58.6%) with and 77 (41.4%) without software assistance were analyzed. Data from two large-volume centers were collected and compared (January 2017-January 2020).Virtualsimulation was systematically adopted in one center, while convent iona lsizing was used in the other one. Outcomes were the duration of intervention (1),the radiation dose (2) in milligrays, the number of corrective interventions for inappropriate WEB size (3), the number of WEBs not deployed (4), angiographic occlusion, and complications.

** Objective: To investigate if virtual simulation with Sim&Size software may have an impact on technical, angiographic, and clinical outcomes after

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